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French & Indian War Museum Curation Project: CITATIONS

Mr. Gavron's sophomore class project


CITATIONS: Sources of information are cited in order to give the original authors/creators proper credit for their work and to document where an author heard or read the fact or idea that has been incorporated into a new work. The purpose of citations is to let the reader know where you obtained information so sources can easily be located and consulted.

All resources you use must be cited, including creative commons resources 

Citations should include: 
Author, Title, and where you retrieved it from (book, website, newspaper, magazine...)

Below you will find tools to aid and guide you in completing your assignments and properly citing your sources. You are always welcome to come to the library to get help with citing sources, evaluating sources, choosing a database, and conducting research! 


NoodleTools is an online citation generator, use it to organize your information, build accurate citations, archive source material, take notes, outline topics, and prepare to write. **Sign in with your Wayland email. Need help creating an account? Watch this video.

NoodleTools Help: tutorials on how to use it, NoodleTools Help Desk and NoodleTools Support. 

If Noodletools does not appear to have a form that fits a particular source well (e.g., a primary source found on a website), try this citation maker created by the Oregon School Library System, select "Other" from the source type menu on the right. You can create a more accurate citation, then copy and paste it into Noodletools or alphabetically in your works cited/bibliography.


The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, that are provide as a free service. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects. 





Remember - It is perfectly acceptable to borrow information or ideas from other sources; but, when you do so, you have to let your audience know that's what you've done! 

Any time you borrow someone else's work (words, images, video, audio) or ideas (infor you didn't know before you saw it, even if it's paraphrased), you MUST cite it (let your audience know which bits are borrowed). If you don't you are plagiarizing. 

Unsure of what is considered plagiarism? WHS Academic Integrity Policy