This guide is for Mr. DeHoratius' junior Classical Lit RESEARCH PROJECT
For this project you will need to create:
a project proposal
an outline of planned research, including an annotated bibliography
an outline or first-three-pages draft of actual research / paper
8 – 12 page paper
some incorporation of both primary and secondary sources
*note primary sources can be either literary or artistic / visual
Using library databases will ensure you create a quality research project
Databases provide you with:
Up to date, relevant information
Evaluated sources
Citation information
Subject specific content
Noodletools is an integrated tool for note-taking, outlining, citing sources, document
archiving/annotation, and collaborative research and writing. NOTE: When creating a new project choose ADVANCED under citation level.
What is your question? All good research starts with an essential question.
Ex: What was the impact of Michelangelo's Laocoon on later sculpture?
What are your keywords? Searching a database requires entering search terms or keywords related to your search. Consider phrases, tag words, synonyms (don't be afraid to think outside the box).
Ex: "Michelangelo" AND "Laocoon" AND "renaissance"
Set up your search: Choose where in the document the database should search for your keywords:
Stick to Keyword or Entire Document
Choose Your Search Limiters: Always choose "full document" - there is nothing worse than finding what could be the perfect resource, only to discover you do not have access to the full article, only the abstract (summary).
Additional Search Limiters: You can further limit your search by date and document type (the type of documents that are searchable can vary by database - unless you need something very specific (primary source, newspaper article, map) you do not have to use this limiter. Similarly using the date limiter is optional, but can be useful especially if you need current information.
Guide adapted from T. McDonald's guide Chemistry and You